
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 9th August 2011 Written Episode

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The episode starts with Shyam taking Khushi's call. Anjali comes in the middle but Shyam somehow saves the situation. Khushi apologises for disturbing Shyam time and again and enquires about her job. Shyam says he's still in the process of looking for work for her. Anjali asks whose call it is and he thanks Khushi for helping him make jalebis hinting to Anjali that it is 'Ammaji's' call. Anjali wants to speak to her as well but Mahinder comes and asks about the food and then, Shyam pretends that there is a network problem and hangs up on Khushi. Anjali says that it seems like Shyam loves 'Ammaji' a lot and Shyam gets lost in his dreamworld. This is noticed by Anjali but Shyam quickly breaks his trance and distracts her to erase her suspicions. Meanwhile, Khushi is upset that they got disconnected without her being able to tell him the full situation.

Scene shifts to Manorma opening the door and welcoming La with ASR in the Raizada house. Nani looks disgusted but everyone else seems happy. Anjali comes with a pooja ki thali for La's aarti but Nani stops her saying that this is a ritual after wedding and La isn't their daughter-in-law yet. Anjali tries arguing but Nani doesn't listen. Finally, Shyam intervenes and says it will do no harm thus letting Anjali go ahead. La says to Anjali that too bad she's going to mandir just as she'd entered and she would've surely accompanied her had she not been this tired ROFL Manorma says Anjali isn't going to the mandir but this is for aarti. Anjali starts taking aarti of La and Arnav. While La's eyes are busy following the motion of the plate, ASR recollects Khushi doing aarti on teej and looks disturbed. La says she's feeling dizzy and Manorma asks Anjali to stop. La gets in and greets everyone who return her salutations politely with an exception of Nani. La feels uncomfortable.

Scene shifts to Khushi lost in thoughts. Payal asks her to make sure he has everything with her. Khushi wonders out aloud to Payal whether what they're doing is correct or not and wishes there was some sort of a sign which would convey to them what was the right thing to do. Payal brushes off Khushi's worries and changes the topic asking her to take her Devi Maiyya along. Khushi realises she was about to forget her and picks her up. Payal goes as she is called by Madhumati and Devi Maiyya's dupatta falls. Khushi recalls how the idol had fallen down and was saved by Arnav which had ended up with them sharing a moment. Khushi gets disturbed.

Scene shifts to the Raizada household where Manorma asks La if she wants anything. La says juice without sugar and ice and Manorma says that ASR is also not allowed sugar so after marriage they can have a sugarfree hoursehold ROFL.ROFL Then La asks a servant to get pastries which she'd made and serves it to all (I swear, I felt tempted for chocolate pastries Tongue). Nani refuses to take. Manorma asks La the recipe and it is revealed that it has egg. All are shocked. Nani looks furious and Anjali calmly explains to La that they don't take egg. Manorma says she'll have to take a shower now ROFL La says that she, too, is feeling hot in those clothes so she should also go in for a shower. She asks where his room is. All look shocked. ASR leads her to his room but Nani stops her but screaming her name. 'Teheriye, Miss Lavanya Kashyap!Angry' ROFL.ROFL

Nani and ASR have a huge argument on live-in relationships and there are clash of ideologies. Manorma has her live commentary going on ROFL La intervenes and speaks in favour of live-in but Nani scolds her and talks how about societal norms and basic values do not permit live-ins. She gets La's stuff put in the guest room. After La, leaves, ASR ignores Shyam's silent pleas of letting the matter go and argues with Nani for making matters worse and the heated argument ends up in ASR threatening to leave the house with La if he doesn't get his way. Nani tells everyone how she'd let La stay in their house and how she's regretting the repercussions. Anjali pleads Nani to give La some time to adjust to the new household. Nani says she shall give her a month. If she can prove her worth as a daughter in law in this time then well and good else she will have to leave.

ASR angrily enters his room and Shyam follows him. ASR complains regarding Nani's thinking and her disrespect towards La and says he sees the institution of marriage different and doesn't care two hoots about the society. Shyam attempts to calm him down by saying that ASR should try and listen to Nani and when she will see him listening to her, she too will make an attempt to understand his viewpoint and the generation gap may reduce. He also says that Arnav must think carefully about the decisions he makes today since he will have to face their repercussions tomorrow. Episode ends with ASR recalling all the moments where, acting out of impulse, he had insulted and manhandled Khushi.

Precap: Khushi is still wondering whether what she's doing is right or wrong and asks Devi Maiyya to help.

Madhumati is locking the entrance to the house and sadly looks at Payal and Khushi. They, too, seem sad.


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