
Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th July 2011 Written Episode

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Episode Begins With Kinjal friends are telling I wouldn’t believe U would Marry ur Driver. They continue i have heard about all this in the Newspaper. But U Kinjal Modi? Urmila comes Keep ur Mouth Shut. This is My Son. He used to Sell Oil. But Not Now. He Married Kinjal and Got to work In Modi Office But they Removed him and Somehow they Brought him Back by giving money And this is the Shop. He hasn’t worked as a Driver. Her friend Says, U had to go and Live in some other House. Not here. Urmila tells Here? Whats the Problem Here? Now Leave all this. And come on top and Have tea. Urmila tells her to Tell them to come up. Kinjal tells them to come.

Gopi is thinking about what the Guru told. She is trying to Say A But cannot remember. and Tears Roll down her eyes.

Kinjal’s Friend Asks this is ur House? Kinjal tells Yes. All praise Urmila for Alone Making tea. Urmila comes with tea. Offers them Biscuits the Biscuits were Soft So they didn’t take. She gives all of them Less than 1/2 a cup tea. and All thank her giving them Less than 1/2 cup tea. Urmila tells Yes Its not Good For health and Sugar and Tea Powder Rate has increased. Urmila gets Rashi’s call. She leaves. Kinjal embarrassed

Part 2
Urmila picks the Phone and tells Very good u called Now tell Why did I ask this. Rashi tells What do i know. Urmila tells Everything. She tells Her Friends Thought Daval was Her Driver. Rashi is Shocked. She tells Today everything going our Way. Urmila tells her to tell what did she do. Rashi tells The Guru ji Ran away. Urmila is Happy. They Make another Kalakari/Plan. Urmila tells Her to Send her to School. Rashi tells If she becomes Fully Educated them? Urmila tells School. Arrey If Gopi would study at home Kokila would look on her But In school No one Is there. Rashi tells But then. Urmila tells Why are u talking like an Uneducated girl. Think Gopi sitting In the Middle Of Small children all will make Fun Of her. Rashi tells Ohk. They keep the Phone

Gopi is Daydreaming. Kokila comes and tells Gopi make the gas low. I didn’t accept this From U. U are Not Rashi. Gopi tells I am thinking about what happened today In the Afternoon. Kokila tells Why are u thinking u experienced it na then I have told u Now stop thinking. Gopi tells the time i came to the House u kept Giving me Encouragement to do Something and Now U are only telling me this. Gopi tells Actually I want to Study. I will study with My Whole heart. Give me a chance. I promise I won’t Waste a single Hardwork In doing my Studies. Kokila leaves. Gopi Looks At the Bottle On which Something in Hindi Was written and she Looks at Kokila.

Part 3
Rashi offers Jigar tea. She sits and tells Jigar ji she Hesitates. Jigar tells Her to tell. Rashi tells the Master ji did not want to teach Gopi. Jigar asks So Kokila kaki Brought another tutor? Rashi tells No. If Kaki ji would get me wrong. Jigar tells I will see I will talk to Rashi.

Hetal comes. Rashi brings her In. Hetal See’s the tea and Tells Arrey I had brought the tea. But u already had it. Rashi Jigar smile. Jigar tells Hetal to Convince Kokila to Bring a Tutor. Rashi tells Gopi wants to Study. If we cannot bring a tutor at home. So there are different examples We can send her to school or Call someone who will take Tut-ions. Jigar tells her to Convince Kokila.Rashi tells Oh I have to prepare Nights Food I am going. Rashi goes. Hetal thinks.

In the Kitchen,Rashi see’s Gopi cutting Vegetables. Rashi tells I thought u would Clean the Temple. Gopi tells ya. But i will do this first. Rashi tells I want to Make Khichdi so tell me the Ingredients Gopi tells her. Rashi tells I was thinking If I would learn to Make something then I wouldn’t have any problem. Like we should Learn Making Food As well as Study. Gopi looks at her. Rashi tells I didn’t mean that Sorry. Gopi tells I am going to Do the Temple work .

Rashi Is Preparing Khichdi She Does go according to the Correct Procedure. She doesn’t use Potatoes and few more things Gopi comes In the Kitchen. Rashi tells her to Help her In doing the table as all are going to come to eat. Rashi thinks today Eating this Khichdi Maa ji will tell About the School thing. Rashi smiles.

On the Dining Table,Rashi tells this is a different type of Khichdi. Kokila tastes it and tells What kind of Khichdi is this? U need Peeled Potatoes. But the Potatoes are Missing. And u had to jsut Give a Jhok of Ginger. Rashi tells Oh No I forgot. I will do it. Kokila tells No. Not u My Gopi Bahu. Rashi is angry

Kokila tells Gopi U are Going to School. Today morning I explained that to u.But the Tears In your Eyes told me that u wanted to Study Gopi is Happy


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