
Navya 5th July 2011 Written Episode

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
This is my first attempt on written updates. I am doing this on behalf of Maria (Miss-pakii-kmh).Hope I do as good job as her!

The episode starts with the vicious smile Rama bhabi is giving seeing the concern of innocent DevarJi anant. She made sure the smile is not noticed by him though, it was just to upset us audiences!
Anant approaches her and asks her what the problem is. She tactfully manages to convince him that she had taken loan from the jeweler for anant-shagun engagement ceremony and now she is stuck coz she can neither ask the money from her patidev nor can she afford that the jeweler calls up daddy hot hot and asks for the money! She even convinces Anant that her patidev shall not understand all these intricacies and shall get mad at her(how i wish!). Her tactics works just as she anticipates on Anant, who understanding the dilemma Bhabhi ji is into, gives away the money he had borrowed to arrange Navya’s bday party.

As soon as Bhabhiji leaves the room , )again giving that vicious smile to us viewers), Anant calls Ranbir for tips on planning bday party without “cash”
Ranbir says one of my favorite lines in the episode today..that money cannot buy all happiness. And he is an expert in planning surprises for a girl friend without money. (Did i mention how lucky i think Ritz is??)

In the meantime, Rama Bhabi continues with her plot of hooking a helpless fish called anant. I am impressed by the way her brain functions. She knows exactly what wud happen when, in this weird family.
She meets Mummyji on the stairways and tells her that she shall get the “arti ki thali” ready for dear daddy hot hot.
She sneaks the cash right where daddyji and mummyji shall notice it lying in the hallway. Her prediction fall right in place as daddyji noticed the bundle of cash sitting nowhere in the hall.
He screams at the highest pitch ever and makes all the family members run towards the hall. (we again get to see rama’s vibrant vicious evil smile)

Daddy hot hot asks who has disregarded “money” like this. Rama’s expressions keeps changing like a chameleon. All concerned in front of Anant and all evil for us viewers!!!By this time, I was amazed on the actress’s talent of switching between the two ends of emotions!!

Moving ahead, devarji understood that if bhabiji is caught, she will be in a mess. It wud be better to enter into the mess himself. Hence he admits to daddyji taht the money is his. Waiting exactly for that moment, Bhabiji pitches in. She tells daddyji that Anant is trying to save her from the angers and accusations. The money is actually hers. Briefly, after everyone leave, the bundle of money getting back in Mohan’s hands. The things sort out in favour of Rama. She is tagged as the best bahu, best bhabi and best wiffey ever after this heroic act of hers!
Amidst the scene, Buadadi cracked me up by saying..”devar-bhabi have become the closest friends ever”!”Her mockery was brilliantly displayed!
When everyone leave, Mohan hands over the money back to Anant. Loved that scene too. both the brothers share a laugh on how “intelligent” rama had become since she saved Anant from answering the dangerous question of why he needs that much of money!

Anant takes the money back to Rama in the kitchen. She acts further more in convincing him that she does not need the money. Instead she shall tell “the truth” to Mohan and shall ask him from the money. She finally probes him in knowing why he needs taht much money. She even tries to convince him that she shall try her best to win his confidence, just like he confides in Mohan!
The pressure was enuf for Anant to blurt out everything that was on his mind. He tells her taht he wants to plan a birthday bash for his friend. Thankfully, as soon as Rama asks who the friend is, Buadadi enters the kitchen with MommyJi!
Buadaddi throws an accusation on Anant of what brings a “male of the house” into the female zone called the “kitchen” He excuses himself with the standard dialougue..”I am here to drink water” and then leaves.

Mohan, who seemed to be impressed by rama for the first time ever smiles in his room looking at their wedding pic. He gets up to search for “the new improved wifey” and before exiting the room, even checks himself out in the mirror!(that was damn cute, though i felt really sympathetic towards him)

He sees her standing outside the front door and starts moving towards her, with a humble smile on his face.
Rama, with her back towrds the house is conversing with her sister Shagun. yep, Shagun has not left yet…she still continues with her allegaations on Navyaclaiming Navya to be a “jadoogarni on HER anant”…whatever!

Rama, on the other hand is telling her about the plots she has been making all day and how the family is all convinced taht she is the “good” one~!
She mentions taht she now has two people who can be her “weapon” of fighting for getting shagun back. She mentions the names patidev and Anant in taht context and stops since Mohan was standing right there. She ends her conversation with shagun and covers up by saying taht she cud not recieve the signal inside the house.
I did not manage to understand whether Mohan heard the whole conversation or not, but I assume that he has serious doubts on her now!!! The episode freezes on Mohan’s concerned looks.

Tomorrow’s precap
Anant tells Navya that he wants her help in planning Mohan-Rama’s anniversary party. He asks her what wud be ideal according to her. She is upset with him and replies exactly the things she does not like. Thankfully she shares this with Appy!!Hopefully Appy shall warn Anant before its too late. The family members are also planning Navya’s bday bash parallelly!

Hope you guys enjoyed this first ever written update from my end!


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